Game of Life
A downloadable game
Welcome to the Game of Life!
Can you manage to make your life decisions so that you have the most money when you retire? Play this well-known board game as an Android game with up to three friends. Make your decisions wisely and retire as quickly as possible. The earlier you retire, the more extra money you get.
The game begins with an important decision: do you go to college or do you go straight to work? You pay 100k for college fees and you might not pass your exams. But you have a good chance of getting a better-paying job.
During your life you will make other important decisions - will you get married, start a family, retire early? Each of these decisions will cost you money, but will bring you some kind of advantage. In addition, depending on the decision, you will move along a different path.
But you don't always have the choice, sometimes fate decides. Will you make it through your studies or will you slide into a mid-life crisis?
Life is full of difficult questions and you must never lose sight of your goal: MONEY. You can also try to win dishonestly. There is a cheat button for this, which makes you a little richer if you click on it. However, if you are reported by one of your fellow players, you will lose money. How can they notice your cheat, you ask? All devices vibrate as soon as someone cheats. To make it a bit more fun, the devices vibrate every now and then regardless of cheating. Will your colleagues catch you? If you want to report someone, simply press and hold the button with their name.
There are different types of fields: ACTION, CASH, FAMILY, CAREER, HOUSE, TELEPORT, WAIT, STOP and of course RETIREMENT. Collect money, houses and pegs on your way or change your career. Houses and pegs are sold when you retire. For each peg you get 50k. Whether you have made a profit or a loss with the house purchase is again decided by fate.
Now you know what to expect in the Game of Life. We hope you enjoy playing and the best news is: if you're not happy with your life, just play the game again! :)
Presentation sector:
College Path:
Career Path:

What happens when I land on a cell?

Sometimes fate decides...
End of the game:

Status | Prototype |
Authors | J0hanna01, n_zhurat, AyaSafan, thschleicher, Haxe33 |
Genre | Simulation |
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